You are sat on the beach with the hot sun and the clear sea. You don’t want ever to forget your amazing holiday, but how do you record your adventures so that you and others can enjoy them?
With today’s technology, there are many ways you can record your holiday and not only let others see it but keep it forever. Here are some of the ways you can use your camera or your mobile, to capture those holiday moments.
If you are going to be cataloging your holiday, you will need a few things to help you. A tripod can come in handy if you want to take a still image, or if you want to be in the shot as well.
Although there are some that don’t like the selfie stick, it can be a good way to get those shots you might not otherwise manage, just make sure your phone is nice and secure.
Cameras are great for high-quality photos; however, most mobile phones are now capable of good resolution. It is important to make sure you have enough storage on your phone or camera for the whole trip.
It might sound a little old fashioned, but sometimes it is nice to have the photos in an album or special book to look at later. There is something about having them there in front of you that makes them more special than just looking at them on a screen.
If you want to get especially organized, you can even make a book cover using software like Adobe Spark. You can then choose your favorite picture and use it on the front of the album.
Animated Montage
Another good way of recording your trip is to use software to make an animated montage. In many cases, it will allow you to use both photos and video and display them in a rolling movie.
These are a good idea to send to family members so that they can see the best parts of your holiday without having to sit through all the photos.
More people are choosing to upload their holiday snaps to social media sites like Facebook. For some, it has become the only catalog for their adventures rather than having lots of photos or CDs at home.
This can cause an issue if something goes wrong and you don’t have a copy of them elsewhere, but it is a great wayto share them with friends and family.
Action Cams
A particular favorite for those who enjoy the adventure holidays, action cams are strapped to your helmet or on a selfie stickto capture the action as it happens. There is now a wide range of these cameras that are usually shock proof and water resistant.
You can upload them to your social media, or broadcast them live through Facebook or Periscope.
There has never been so many and easy ways to capture and revisit all the special moments from your holiday.