Posts for Wardrobe

The Must-Have Undergarment Guide for the Jetsetting Woman

Travel Blog, Travel Tips - Ross French - May 23, 2023

Jetsetting Woman

The thrill of a new adventure, the allure of a foreign culture, or the charm of a romantic weekend trip each call for a travel experience tailored to perfection. As you plan your itinerary, select your wardrobe, and prepare your travel essentials, there is an aspect often overlooked yet paramount in its significance – the right undergarments.

Why do we spotlight the unsung heroes of our travel wardrobe? The answer is simple. The right undergarments can distinguish between a comfortable, carefree journey and a trip riddled with discomfort. As we all know, even the most sophisticated couture can lose its charm without the right undergarments. This article, dear jet setters, and occasional globetrotters, is your comprehensive guide to selecting the perfect undergarments for your travels. Prepare to embark on a journey that will forever change how you pack for future expeditions. Continue Reading

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What to Pack to Perk Up a Capsule Wardrobe

Travel Blog, Travel Tips - Ross French - December 12, 2022

Capsule wardrobes are so great for vacationing because they give you a ton of flexibility with mixing and matching pieces to create outfits, but also the freedom to not be encumbered by a ton of heavy luggage. The downside of capsule packing is that you have to rely on some failsafe, basic colors, since they will be the backbone of your color scheme.

Some of the best moments of travel are unexpected opportunities, hanging out with someone new, posing in front of something delightful, or even participating in a lovely event. If you bring a couple of small items that add panache to your basic ensemble, you’ll feel more ready to rise to any occasion. Continue Reading

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