
For Advertisers

We provide a variety of advertising opportunities for companies related to travel. Please email us for more information:

[email protected]

Please include your full company name and URL with your request.

For Readers

We appreciate all our readers and would love to answer any questions you may have. Please keep in mind we may be travelling at the time you send your inquiries and responses may take a few days. But we do read ALL emails!

The Traveller World Guide would love to hear about the topics readers want to know more about, or have any questions from previous topics that have gone unanswered.

[email protected]

You can also find us hanging out on most social networks. Click here to hook up with us!

For Writers or Photographers

We are always looking for new authors to share travel knowledge and/or stories with our readers. All submissions must be in relation to travel and we can not guarantee that your work will be posted. We review all articles carefully to ensure the information is relevant and up to the standards of The Traveller World Guide. Feel free to contact us ahead of time if you wish to discuss any topics you would like to write. We will be more than happy to give advice or guidance or a topic we are lacking.

Please, include your full name or request anonymous status for publishing.

SEND US YOUR PHOTOS! We accept Photography for our feature FLASH, or to be displayed with articles. All submissions must be in relation to travel and we can not guarantee that your photographs or graphics will be posted.
When you submit photos, please ensure to provide the name of the attraction, city, country and any other relevant information. Also include your full name or request for anonymous status.

Please see our Terms and Conditions for submitting content or materials.

Don’t be shy! We want to hear from you!
High fives all around!

The Traveller World Guide Corp
L1W 2S7