The Traveller World Guide’s List of FAVORITE Bloggers and Travel Websites!
Feel free to contact us if you are interested in being on our list! High Fives all around!
The Secret Traveller : Great Way to Fly the Friendly Skies
Discount Timeshares I confess: I caught the travel bug. Big time. Unfortunately, I don’t have an unlimited budget for my travel bucket list. That is why I started looking for creative ways to save. I came across a great new site, Discount Timeshares. They have tons of discounted timeshare rentals offered by owners at 70% off resort rates. That means I can always live the good life for a great price. And you can, too!
Trivago To say travel is my life would be an understatement. The more I can go see and do, the better! Since I like to call the world my home, I am constantly on the look out for accommodations. As you can imagine, those tend to get pretty steep after a while. That is why one of my favourite travel sites is Trivago. They do all the shopping around for me so I can book hotels quickly, easily, and stress free. That means less time online and more time on the beach.
Safe to Travel Don’t be stupid. Travel safe. These tips will help show you how.
Global Grasshopper – Travel tips and inspiration from the experts.
Bacon IS Magic
No, we do not just love this site for it’s awesome name, we enjoy the material as well… Bacon is delicious and so is travel blogging! Ayngelina, left her career, apartment, boyfriend and friends to travel solo. You can read about her adventures as she eats her way through Latin America and beyond.
Nomadic Chick
Nomadic Chick has ESCAPED the cubicle and become a world traveler. While flying her middle finger up at the North American lifestyle and those who doubted her new life choices – she shares stories, tips, photos, interviews, and much more! (Okay… maybe we made up the part about her giving the finger, but her blog is proof that you can follow your dreams and succeed).
The Freedonia Post
The ramblings of Joel can guarantee to make you pee yourself on a regular basis. Intended to be entertaining first, informative second. Following the world travels of a scatter-brained American, the site skewers anything and everything about travel, local customs, people and most often, its writer. It’s meant to show off one of the most important parts of travel – the fun! So prepare for a journey that’s usually silly, often random and always provides a warped view of the glboe from a card carrying goofball.
Living the Dream
Living the Dream follows one student’s attempt to travel the world as much as possible while maintaining a students budget. and showing others how to do the same. Topics not only include location specific information and general long term travel planning, but advice for the budget guide to long term travel. One of our favorite aspects of Living the Dream is the awesome, comprehensive tally down the side of Jeremy’s home page. This tally shares how much money he has spent so far – to miles flown. How clever of him! Kudos!
Lola’s Travels – A sassy, fun-loving, and flirtatious traveler, Lola has a flair for finding adventure and making new friends. A typical Lola trip is only a few days, so she’s a master at getting the most out of her getaway. A Frommer’s guide this is not, but Lola does spotlight exceptional places to stay, eat, shop and play in a playful, yet informative way.
C’est Christine
The blog of a California girl (in her twenties) who quit her job in high-tech public relations and social media to blog, soak up the sun and parler Français. Some of her life goals include rollerblading a marathon and drinking a beer while wearing a dirndl at Oktoberfest (these make us very proud). She writes about adjusting to life in the French Riviera and breaking the typical career path, in hopes that it will inspire other young people to travel and find a life that they love.
Travels of Adam
Another travel writer to follow around the world? NO! Adam is not just any travel writer, because he has Mr.Wombat. We wait all week… anticipating Wombat Wednesdays. Travels of Adam? I think not, travels of WOMBAT! Don’t believe us? Check it out!
40 Before 30 (The Challenge!)
40 before 30 is about one travel addicts personal quest to explore 40 countries before turning 30. Quite an exciting and challenging quest! Currently on 33 countries (WOW) at the age of 25 the author has already accumulated years worth of amusing ‘What not to do’ travel tales. As she approaches the end of her quest find out where she heads to next and what you shouldn’t do if you happen to be there too!
Johnny Ward is a cool Irish dude who has been on the road since 2006. In the last 4 years he has traveled, worked, studied, volunteered and backpacked through more than 50 COUNTRIES around the world! Wowza!! His travel blog talks all about his lifestyle design, travel, country guides and also about tries to show people that you don’t have to BE rich to LIVE rich. The wise words of Johnny the globe trotter.
Everything Everywhere
Gary Arndt is kind of known among the blog community as THE KING of travel blogging. His stories and experiences are more than interesting. Random fact: his collection of National Geographic magazines is one of the largest in the world! Hizzah! Gary knows what he’s talking about and that’s no lie, he’s travelled to over 70 countries and territories… seriously!
Chicky Bus
No, this isn’t a female only site. Who would call females ‘chicky’ anyways? Shame on them! Go to Lisa’s awesome travel blog and find out what a Chicky Bus is. Lisa is also takes readers off the beaten path and into the moment–to a place of fun, adventure and self-discovery…worldwide. You don’t even need to move from your couch! In addition to information and tips for backpackers, there are stories, photos and videos that offer travelers education, entertainment and vicarious experiences.
Go See Write
Emphasizes the fun and adventure of overland travel all over the world. Michael Hodson took a RTW trip in 2009-10 with two rules: no reservations and no planes. From that challenge has come an appreciation for the excitement and wonder of slowly traveling overland as many places as he can.
Maiden Voyage Travel
Maiden Voyage is inspired by two travelers from different cultures — Johnny, an Irish world conqueror with over 90 countries traveled, and Phoebe, a Filipina writer who recently jumped in the world of traveling. Together, they share to fellow travel junkies everything and anything about moving around the globe!
Nomadic Samuel A ginger making his way around the world.
Liver Bashers (my awesome-cool hommies)
Aussie on The Road A Rad dude, doing rad shit. Travel and stuff, read it!
Smiling Faces Travel Photos Amazing photography of beautiful faces from around the world.
Chicago Food Blog Do you like food? This site will make your food hole water. *Drools* Cool travel stories with wicked travel information. A San Diego food blog giving the low down on all the food and drink that San Diego has to offer. Nick Knowles is a traveler and experience aficionado specializing in enjoying life’s adventures without breaking the bank.