Posts for Argentina

Travel Horror Story: My Stalker from Argentina

Travel Tips - Ross French - December 21, 2010

Travel Horror Stories is a column in which travellers submit scary, traumatizing, crazy or just flat out annoying tales from on the road. This Travel Horror Story is brought to you from Marcello at WanderingTrader. Check his site out! If you would like to share your horrific experience, please email [email protected]

My Stalker from Argentina


Touring around town

Occasionally, travelling around the world, you run into one of those people who you know are somehow up to no good. While in South America recently, I ran across this dude. While I was walking around, viewing all the popular Argentina tourist attractions he was constantly on my tail. When I moved down a street he followed. When I stopped to take a picture he would stop as well. It makes you wonder what his intentions really were. Could it be he is after my new Canon Power-shot SX210 IS with 14.1 mega-pixels with an incredible zoom capacity? Does he want to talk to an obviously noticeable North American tourist? Maybe he fancied my pale white skin? Well, let me tell you, Mr. Creepy, this is not the way to do it. If you want to talk to someone, go right up and introduce yourself… don’t lurk in the shadows like some spooky spirit in a horror movie. If you want to rob someone, go ahead and try. There is no need to follow someone like you are an undercover agent out of a bad book that a former spook wrote after they left the government service. I might add, he was not a very good spy since I could monitor his every move by a quick glance.


My happy stalker

I snapped a picture of this kook because I thought that would let him know that I was on to him. It was to no availability the creepy crawler continued to follow me. I thought about going right up and confronting him about his bizarre and obvious behaviour but after taking another look, I decided against it. I approached some policemen thinking that would intimidate him. He dropped back, but returned a short time later. When I went into a shop he would enter or wait outside for me. I wish I could get this kind of meticulous attention from a girlfriend. My last girlfriend didn’t care where I went most of the time. She wouldn’t even follow me to the mailbox let alone down a street.

I stopped to watch some old geezers playing chess on the street. I wanted to wave to my new “companion” to come over and join me. But he kept his carcass just far enough away that I couldn’t talk to him without raising my voice. There are different stages you experience with a creep/stalker like this. First, you feel a bit of anxiety, then it becomes unsettling and finally, it is ridiculous and straight out annoying. You want to walk up and let your creeper know that you will pose so they can get a good look or snap a picture because that would last longer than the ghoulish stares.

I’ve heard crazy and weird stories from my friends in Argentina. In the end, you have to laugh these situations off and tell yourself ‘he is either a very poor thief because of the time he has foolishly invested’ or ‘he just finds you irresistible’. It is at this point, I decide to play with him. I dropped into a cafe for some lunch and as he passes by the window I just stuck my tongue out at him. I made sure my lunch was extra long. No problem down here – the millennium could pass and they wouldn’t bring you your bill unless you asked. That is, after waiting an eternity for some actual food to make it to your table.  Everything seems to be in slow motion once you enter one of these eateries. (By the way don’t eat the local mayonnaise it is absolutely revolting. Use the condiments licensed by Heinz or Hellman’s.) After spending a major portion of my life on lunch, the creepy guy has since moved on to a new victim.

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I’M COMING HOME! Recap of a Year Around the World

Travel Blog - Ross French - December 12, 2010


partying_lima_peruBy: Lindsay Hogg

How Do You Put a Year Around the World Into Words?

I’m currently 6 hours away from my 22 hour flight home from Auckland to Tahiti to California to finally, Toronto. It’s another hazy day which will unfortunately fade the sweet ass tan I’ve obtained in the past few weeks. Balls.
Although I’m nervous about coming home to an extremely different world than I’ve been living in for the past year, the comforts of my own room and conversations that don’t start with ‘where are you from’ thrills me. As I scramble to finish writing the pending posts from rest of my trip, I’m faced with the dreaded and daunting task of REFLECTION – all those typical questions you should ask yourself after a life changing experience.
“What have I learned” “Have I grown” “Am I more knowledgeable” and so on…
But for now I will keep these answers to myself and simply share the experiences that stand out in my mind.
In the next week I will go into more detail about the ‘life changing moments’ (yay! – insert sarcasm) and the people I have met along the road who have effected my life for the better or worse.

How do you sum up a year of your life in one article? I quit my great job, sold everything in my apartment and left all my friends & family to backpack around the world solo.

South America: Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina (and Mexico since I missed my flight oops!)
Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, China
New Zealand


Kitty and I swimming in Laos

  • Swimming in waterfalls – hot springs and lagoons, hiking through ancient ruins, riding bicycles -quads – horses through the mountains, kayaking through crystal clear – aqua waters
  • Jumping off boats, tubing down rivers, floating markets and fishing villages, touring wine vineyards to taste and learn
  • Driving on the left hand side of the road and roadtrips through scary, windy, mountain roads
  • Motor bike roadtrips, tuk tuks and long boats, sun burns and food poisoning
  • Learning Spanish and Mandarin


    Els and I riding horses in Bolivia

  • Travelling with amazing new friends and awesome old friends, meeting the same people on 3different continents
  • Missing flights (yes, plural… flights) and purposely missing buses
  • Meeting friendly locals and not so friendly locals
  • Empanadas and lomo saltado, fried noodles and dumplings, kiwi venison and BBQ sauce
  • The boys, the bugs, the animals
  • Eating snake – rat – guinea pig and frog, lao buckets, all you can drink tequila, pisco, rice wine, lao lao, 3 day long parties, dancing till 8am
  • Crossing international borders by foot and by boat
  • Barely avoiding 2 major earthquakes
  • Bartending and sharing a room with 8 other people, sleeping in hammocks


    The Point Hostel crew, Lima – Peru

  • Bargaining for everything, buying more than fits in my backpack
  • Toilet paper goes in the bin – bring your OWN toilet paper
  • Good decisions, bad decisions
  • Pink eye and bronchitis
  • Getting arrested, getting ripped off
  • Coming home one ipod – A LOT of cloths and one bankcard short
  • 30 new beers tried, 10 countries conquered, stories that will never be forgotten, stories that may never get told
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Around the World * Buenos Aires, Argentina: The Spidey Santa

Travel Blog - Ross French - November 3, 2010

On the Road Buenos Aires, Argentina: The Spidey Santa
By: Lindsay Hogg

Finally! Cara, Els and I REUNITED in Buenos Aires! The place where locals wear winter coats and we walk around freakishly in t-shirts and flip flops. Our first lovefested reunion consisted of giant steaks and mucho vino. The second one, a messy pub crawl. The first hour of the pub crawl was spent in the park consuming free beer and pizza… what!? did you say free beer!??

The group running the pub crawl made a few announcements and all I really picked up on was “and there will be free shots at every bar”. I took it upon myself to yell “YAAAY!!”. Everyone in the crowed turned and looked at me.

“What!? Did you hear them? They said FREE SHOTS!” I exclaimed, looking back at them confused.


Els and Steve, Buenos Aires

It didn’t help that 10 minutes prior to this one of my friends accidentally broke a glass. While I was not the one smashing glass, everyone in the crowd looked over and I was the only one standing beside the broken glass. Turns out all my friends had slipped into the crowd before I got a chance to. Thanks guys!

Cara had an apartment in Buenos Aires for a few months, but it was too small for Els and I to crash, so we stayed at the sketchy Clan Hostel – where we came across many people we had met earlier in our travels through La Paz, Bolivia. We also made a new best friend, Steve, who we referred to as ‘Rack” for reasons that will remain confidential. He was quite entertaining, I would keep him in my pocket if I could. There is a good chance he might have become quite annoyed with us on more than one occasion. This may have been due to us trying to pull his bed into the hallway at 4am (with him sleeping in it)… booze makes you do silly things!


Boca, Buenos Aires

On a nice sunny day, Steve, Els and I decided to trot around the Boca area, which is known for its bright coloured houses and dancers tangoing around you while you eat. As per usual, there were vendors of sorts trying to sell us stuff, but one man stood out. We referred to him as the ‘spidey man’ and ‘freaky Santa clause’. He wore a red cape-like outfit that had a skin tight mask which came to a point at the top with little bug antennas. His long grey-ish beard poured out of his mask, topped off with some sweet thick glasses. What did he try and sell us you ask?… magnets. Yes, ‘spidey Santa’ was selling magnets. Damn, I would have payed good money just to get a picture of him.

Following our visit to the Boca area, we attended a Boca Juniors soccer (sorry ‘football’) game, which was insane! The crowd jumped up and down with a new chant every 5 seconds and the fans for the opposing team in the bleachers above us threw everything they could find down at our area (ie. garbage, their clothes, chairs). We had to wait an hour after the game until the opposing team fans left the stadium from the bleachers above us (due to stabbings and such among intense fans). Well, the hot dogs were great!


Naked guys, Boca Juniors Game

A couple of the guys  decided to wait until the police were not around and get their photo taken (in the nude) in front of the playing field. High five to them!

Our last few days were spent staying in the Presidential suite at the Sheraton Hotel, due to the massive amount of Sheraton Points my father had. This place was bigger than my apartment in Toronto and had a jacuzzi, sauna, dining area and even a phone beside the toilet (for those important calls to make while on the can). So clever of you Sheraton Hotel!

Our last night, we had Steve over to our wicked pent house and he let us straighten his hair. But he was quite concerned that it would never go curly again. We reassured him that when he wet it, it would go back to it’s natural form. Although he was skeptic, he allowed us to spruce him up before our last night on the town by making him look like a little girl with shiny straight hair.

Gracias to Lucy for editing.

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