Posts for travel packing tips

The Must-Have Undergarment Guide for the Jetsetting Woman

Travel Blog, Travel Tips - Ross French - May 23, 2023

Jetsetting Woman

The thrill of a new adventure, the allure of a foreign culture, or the charm of a romantic weekend trip each call for a travel experience tailored to perfection. As you plan your itinerary, select your wardrobe, and prepare your travel essentials, there is an aspect often overlooked yet paramount in its significance – the right undergarments.

Why do we spotlight the unsung heroes of our travel wardrobe? The answer is simple. The right undergarments can distinguish between a comfortable, carefree journey and a trip riddled with discomfort. As we all know, even the most sophisticated couture can lose its charm without the right undergarments. This article, dear jet setters, and occasional globetrotters, is your comprehensive guide to selecting the perfect undergarments for your travels. Prepare to embark on a journey that will forever change how you pack for future expeditions. Continue Reading

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Having a Blast with Galapagos Vacation

South America - Ross French - April 10, 2018

Galapagos vacations

There is something thrilling about Galapagos vacation. This is an island area with the best things to do and see. The island is strikingly different and special. Among all the features you would love to see the active volcanoes. The trip here is going to be challenging. For the reason, it is best to avail of the travel packing tips.


It is lovely going for Galapagos vacation. The experience of being at the place is just fabulous. If you are a wildlife watcher you can make your way to the small town of Puerto Ayora. The Charles Darwin Research Station is one more attraction of the destination so special out of the rest.

  • Leon Dormido

It is great to go for Galapagos vacation and be at Leon Dormido. The name of the place signifies a sleeping lion. The shape of the island is unique. It looks like a complete cone that has been eroded in the halfway.

Galapagos vacations

The place is a major attraction and it makes a better part of Galapagos vacation. Here you can see small boats sailing through the rocks. This is an island specifically accessed by the snorkelers and the small boats. Here you can go for a day trip and make the arrangements in advance.

  • El Chato Tortoise Reserve

Galapagos vacation is really exhilarating with a trip to El Chato Tortoise Reserve. The sight of the small creatures is really going to make you love the show. This is the place to see the giant tortoise moving in the wild. This is where you can watch for some of the prehistoric beasts.

Galapagos vacations

The trip to the reserve is indeed going to make Galapagos vacation really interesting. This is the best place to watch for the short-eared owls, Darwin’s finches, yellow warblers, Galápagos rails and paint-billed crakes. There are more things you would prefer to see at the place with the best of thrill and enthusiasm.

  • A specialty of Coco Surf

When on a Galapagos vacation it is time to go for Coco Surf. This is the special sidewalk café where you are served with some of the scrumptious cuisines. The taste of the food is lovely, and you feel like go on munching.

Galapagos vacations

Coco Surf is one of the real attractions of Galapagos vacation. You can be here to taste from the serving of tuna tartare and patanachos mar y terra. There is even the appetizer platter with the collection of the seafood and the fresh meat.

  • Charles Darwin Research Station

To make Galapagos vacations memorable you can at best visit the Charles Darwin Research Station. This lies to the northeast of Puerto Ayora. Here you can visit the iconic National Park. More to your interest you get to know about the 200 scientists involved in various research at the place.

Galapagos vacations

The Charles Darwin Research Station is one of the major attractions of Galapagos vacation. Here is the arrangement of the captive breeding program for the giant tortoise. There are paths to lead you to the arid zone vegetation. The area is just fantastic to make you feel entertained for hours.

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