Posts for traveling

Traveling Like A Minimalist With A Baby

Travel Tips - Ross French - May 6, 2022

Traveling Like A Minimalist

So, you’ve had a baby recently – is there anything more exciting or exhausting? The answer is “no.” But, just like childless people, some would argue that you deserve a vacation even more! No matter how tired you are and would love a day to catch your breath, you still can’t imagine being away from your baby for a day, let alone an entire week! So, you’re packing up and getting ready for your first vacation with your new baby. While it may seem challenging to prepare, you don’t need as much as you may think you do. So, if you want to traveling like a minimalist, even with a baby in tow, keep reading for your vacation with the baby must-haves. Continue Reading

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Taking Care of Your Beard While Traveling

Travel Tips - Ross French - April 22, 2022

Going on a trip can be a break from the headaches and hassles of life. However, not all responsibilities get to be left behind. We take with us one thing we must continue to look after and care about: ourselves.

From staying safe to keeping ourselves clean, a lot goes into self-care while traveling. However, when was the last time you thought about your beard on vacation? From saltwater to ice cream, there’s no shortage of potential beard and mustache hazards lurking around your destination. Continue Reading

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7 Ways To Stay In Touch While Traveling

Middle East, Travel Tips - Ross French - January 31, 2022

Whether you’re a jet setter who gets away whenever their schedule allows, planning your first overseas trip in your life, or a digital nomad without a permanent physical address, it’s essential to stay in touch with those we care about while traveling. From milestones like marriages, births, graduations, and promotions to just a quick hello we want to send to a friend across the pond, it takes some creativity to stay in touch while traveling. Let’s look at some ways to ensure you let your loved ones know you’re thinking about them when you’re far away. Continue Reading

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Relaxing and Unwinding When You Are Traveling

Travel Tips - Ross French - November 5, 2021

There are lots of reasons why you might go traveling, including visiting friends and family and sightseeing. Traveling can be a stressful experience if you are not careful, and ensuring that you relax, and unwind where you can is important. Embracing the whole experience of traveling from the first day, until the last minute is necessary, as this ensures that you truly relish and enjoy everything traveling and vacationing is all about. Continue Reading

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5 Top Tips for Saving Money While You Are Traveling

Travel Tips - Ross French - November 4, 2021

When you go traveling, no matter how near, or far you go, saving money and making your money go that little bit further are important. When you have a budget to stay within and you have a limit to the amount of money you want to spend, how can you save money while you are traveling, but not impact what you see and how much enjoyment you have? Saving little bits of money here and there make a difference, and small savings quickly add up. So, what should you be doing to save money while you are traveling? Continue Reading

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