By: Lindsay Hogg
I LIKE BEER… no, no wait…
I LOVE BEER… and most alcoholic beverages.
So why don’t I write about what I love more often?
I mean, Nomadic Matt wasn’t kidding when he said CHOOSE A NICHE – write about something you know about. And I thought, ya, ya… I’ll write about EVERYTHING! My site will be soooo comprehensive! Stupid Lindsay… really stupid.
I go on the tours and hit up hot spots along the road, but what I’m REALLY good at, is partying. Thus, The Traveller World Guide is taking a turn towards nightlife abroad. Why haven’t I been telling readers about the amazing bars, restaurants and nightlife I’ve been experiencing in the past 10 months? Because I’m an asshole, and I’m sorry… I won’t do it again!
On another note, I’m not a great writer, there are so many blogs out there that wow readers with their ‘voluptuous’ and descriptive story telling skills. I tend to say it like it is, and be done with it. I’m not going to explain to you how lush the landscape on my hike was, I will put up a picture from the hike and let you figure that one out on your own.
I don’t want to spend my free time taking an online writing course, I want to spend my time taking an online Spanish course, so I can do more than order a beer when I travel in Latin America. And by ‘do more than order a beer’, I mean, have a conversation in Spanish with the bartender so I can hopefully get some free beer.
Anyways, back on topic, this post is to inform readers of the new ‘World Party’ column. I will be telling you about my drunken experiences (the G-rated ones) and informing readers of the best party countries, cities and bars to hit up while your travelling around the world.
High Five and WELCOME to the brand-spankin-new, topped with awesomesauce ‘World Party’ column. I will start posting some award winning articles as soon as I finish this beer… or this case of beer, and maybe have a beer induced nap first.
love it.
LOVE it.
I try…
Haha, I like you! And since you like beer, you really need to make your way to Portland, Oregon… the microbrew capitol of the world!
You had me at ‘brew’
Wow! Partying Abroad! I’m pretty sure that there will be more hangouts for you this 2011! Explore the world!
Omigod..I love beer, too! I think this post is awesome, because whenever I travel somewhere, I’m like, “where can I go get drunk and have a rockin good time?” Thanks alot! I look forward to reading about your travels!
Lol, I love beer too (goes so well with fried food, which I also love) – but I like that paper bag of yours better 🙂
Yes, it’s quite the high end accessory. Maybe I’ll start selling them on here