By: Hogga
Air conditioning is gold and you will sell your left tit to get some.
Bugs are big and you better just get used to it.
Don’t try hiking in the rain. It’s scary shit.
Just because beer is so cheap, doesn’t mean you have to drink it every day. Or does it? (This lesson is a bit blurry).
Pedestrians do not have the right of way. Unless they want to get hit by a car and die.
When someone gives you directions, the time the tell you it takes to reach your destination is never accurate. A 20 minute drive could be 5 minutes or one hour, it’s a clusterfuck of confusion.
Dancing is fun, but makes you very sweaty.
Crossing borders by foot is not as cool as it was when I was 25. It makes me want to punch people in their mind.
I still love me some latin men. Oh snap!
Refried beans straight from a packaged bag are delicious. There’s no need for a spoon, unless you’re a pussy.
Ice cold red wine is better than no red wine. But still gross.
If you ask someone a question in Spanish and they reply to you in English, it’s probably best to continue to the conversation in English instead of forcing them to try and figure out your crappy Spanish.
Good cheese is worth the money moneis, bitches.
Getting day drunk is totally acceptable. Pizza for dinner is encouraged after this.
A hat to avoid burning ones scalp is a priceless investment… that I never made.
The more you smile, the less people can be mad that your Spanglish is awful.
Kissing can be painful. Literally… keep those teeth in your mouth where they belong, buddy.
“Kissing can be painful. Literally… keep those teeth in your mouth where they belong, buddy.”
Awww.. did hogga get bit by a love bug? LOL
It was traumatizing. But at least the one in the picture was a good kisser!
Ja love this. Oh how I miss Central America… all the hot men, the cheap drinks, great sex… oh wait I mean the volcanos, waterfalls, and Cathedrals.
HAHAHHAHAHAHA… best. comment. ever.
Oh & we can’t forget the chicken buses… lol!!!
Shit! I totally forgot to mention that!
Good cheese and good meat are ALWAYS worth the money monies!
I’m not gonna lie. I couldn’t find any good sandwich meat, which made me a sad panda.
The symmetry between the first beer-swilling pic and the wine-swilling pic on the side of the blog is remarkably … hot. And besides, wasn’t toothy spit-swobbing the new caliente? 😛
HA! I didnt even realize the pics are so similar… I need to get some new photos of myself without booze in my hand.
Hogga never was good at investments…
Your mom
Oh #4 made me giggle and then I laughed through all the rest. All so true.
I know you can relate
How about
“If everyone tells you you should cover up when outside in the hot, jungle areas, its best to listen to them. Otherwise you WILL end up hosting another, unwanted worm-like creature”.
I don’t even want to know!
Costa Rica? I think I recognize the beer…..don’t know about beans from a bag though.
Oh yeaaah!… it’s just refried beans, which we can only get in a can here in Canada.
Hilarious! I haven’t made it to Central America, but some of these could easily translate to other parts of the world too.
This is the truth!
Hehe… Yes, the sun is sneaky hot here. I already got… burned by it (pinky in mouth).
‘refried beans straight from a package bag are delicious’ Brilliant. I tried them straight from a can when I got home, not as good.
I agree, they just don’t taste the same from a can.
Haha had a great laugh 😀 It just reminded me why I do not drink any more … but agree with bringing on Latin men O:)