Dating someone who shares your sense of adventure can be a terrific thing. It’s wonderful to share a desire to see the world with someone you’re dating, and it’s even better when you love visiting the same places and exploring the same things.
But sometimes one person in a relationship gets bitten harder by the travel bug than the other – and sometimes that bug is incurable. So, what do you do when you’re stuck at home while your loved one is off gallivanting around the globe? Here are some tips to keep you – and your partner – sane while you’re apart.
Keep communicating
It’s really important to keep in touch while your partner is away. Thanks to the advances of modern technology, it’s really not that difficult. Whether it’s Skype, Instant Messenger or FaceTime, make sure you and your loved one check in with each other at least once a day, even if you’re only having long chats once every few days. Just popping online to say “I love you” is sometimes enough to let your partner know you’re thinking of them.
Trust each other
If you have a solid relationship, you have to trust that your partner is being faithful to you while they’re travelling, just as they have to trust you while they’re away. A relationship based on mutual trust and respect is one that can survive any hardship, even if it means being away from each other for long periods of time.
If you haven’t even met yet…
If you’ve started communicating with someone long distance but haven’t met them yet, now’s a good time to get to know them. It can be liberating to talk to someone you don’t know in person yet.
Write it in a letter
History is littered with famous long-distance relationships that survived only thanks to long, handwritten love letters. Keep the romance alive with your partner by handwriting notes to each other and sending them snail mail. There’s nothing quite as exciting as opening the mail to receive a specially written note to you from your significant other. You’ll always have a record of the time you spent apart.
Embrace being alone
Solitude can sometimes be a blessing, even if you didn’t sign up for it. Being alone is healing, and it gives you time to focus on the things you really want out of your relationship and out of life. It also gives you a chance to eat ice cream in your pyjamas, hang out with your friends, and go to bed at whatever time you please. Spending time alone is an essential part of any healthy relationship.
So just embrace that opportunity to get to yourself a little better, and give your partner the space to do the same. After all, soon you could be the one jet setting around the world! Better pack your bags, just in case!
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