Posts for Travel Blog Category

Essential Apps for Frequent Travelers

Travel Blog - Ross French - August 19, 2021

Frequent Travelers

Frequent travelers have a wide array of apps and programs to help them stay on track with their trips. These apps can help you store your passport and travel permit details, take notifications of flight changes, and can even help you keep all the information you need to plan a trip. But which apps should you choose?

Here are some of our favorite apps for travelers on the go:


Tripit is a travel organization app, which brings together your flight itinerary, hotel reservations, and car rental information into one place. The program helps the user organize relevant information for upcoming trips by simply creating an account with their email and uploading their airline reservation information upon landing at the airport.

You can then access this information with a tap of the screen, which is much more efficient than leafing through papers and receipts. The program also allows users to store notes sent by email to your inbox on departure, giving you all the relevant travel details in one place for easy reference.


You may want to have a way to consolidate the credit card debt you’ve accumulated while traveling. The Tally app provides you with a low-interest line of credit that you can use to pay off all of your credit cards at once. Moving forward, you’ll just have one low monthly payment. A credit line app like Tally makes borrowing money easier than ever before, and it can streamline your travel budget in the process.


This apps is a unique travel management solution that allows you to digitally store all of your passport and travel permits on your mobile device so that they can be accessed instantly at a scanning checkpoint.

The app can also send a text message from your phone to pre-select emergency contacts in case of loss. It’s easy to install and use: simply scan in your documents once, and you’re done. You don’t have to worry about losing hard copies or forgetting passport details on departure.


Worldmate organizes all of your travel information for easy access and usage during international trips. The app helps users plan their itineraries by discovering booking deals through airline prices and hotel reviews. Worldmate also offers a currency converter and the ability to store maps, plans of important destinations, and even emergency contact information for medical professionals in case of accident or illness while traveling abroad.


WhatsApp is a mobile instant messaging service that allows users to exchange messages without paying for SMS charges or international data fees. The application also includes video and audio call functions, allowing you to stay in touch with your loved ones while abroad.

Another option is Skype – an internet calling service that supports video chat and instant messaging. This app can be used for free over wifi or data charges on your smartphone.

City maps have always been an essential tool for travelers, but they have traditionally been hard to store and carry around. This app allows users to download offline city maps of more than 150 cities worldwide from their smartphones, making it easy to navigate unfamiliar streets without internet access or a GPS tracker.

Google Translate App

This popular app allows you to translate any foreign language into your own, which is helpful when traveling to places where English isn’t spoken. Photo-to-text translation can also come in handy if you’re trying to communicate with someone who doesn’t speak your native language – simply send a photo of the text, and it will appear on your phone as a word document!

You can download a language for offline use, and it will also come in handy if you’re trying to type a quick email or text message.


If you don’t want to bring along all of your travel guide books but still want access to their information, then this is the best app for you. Users can easily store this information right on their smartphones, allowing them to find out the best attractions and restaurants while on the go. It also includes easy access to Wikipedia articles about major destinations, so you can keep up-to-date and learn new information at any time.

These apps are great starters for those who are interested in learning how to travel more efficiently. To decide which travel apps are best for you, you need to determine your travel preferences and determine what kind of traveler you are. Taking the time to research these apps will help ensure that you can travel in comfort, safety, and style while abroad!

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Mauritius Underwater Waterfall – Astonishing Facts About Them

East Africa, Travel Blog, Travel Tips, Word Travel - Ross French - August 12, 2021

Mauritius underwater waterfall

Mauritius is a beautiful place. A lot of tourists visit the island each year. As we all know, the place has no shortage of stunning sea beaches. But beaches are not the only places to visit on the island. There are lots of other places to discover as well. One such place is an underwater waterfall that sits in the middle of an ocean. Well, kind of. We all love to see waterfalls, right? Just the view of the water crashing down on the rocks below is a sight to behold. In fact, it is heavenly. But the famous underwater waterfall here takes things one step further. It creates an awesome optical illusion that makes it seem that the waterfall is under the ocean water. In this article, we will take a good look at the Mauritius underwater waterfall. Continue Reading

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What Should be in Your Suitcase for a Summer Vacation in 2021?

Travel Blog, Travel Tips - Ross French - July 19, 2021

Summer Vacation

If you are planning your first summer vacation for a while in 2021, then you might be completely out of practice in terms of deciding what to pack into your suitcase for your upcoming trip. Then, this guide includes everything that you need to remember to pack on your summer vacation to ensure that you can avert disaster.

What Should be in Your Suitcase for a Summer Vacation in 2021?

Bikini or Swimsuit

If you are planning a trip to a beach destination this summer, taking a bikini or swimsuit on your trip is essential, especially if you love to sunbathe or swim in the ocean. A bikini will allow you to fully indulge in seaside activities without worrying about getting your clothes wet. To find fashion forward and flattering options, you should look at the designer bikini swimwear that ViX Paula Hermanny has to offer. Made with hand crafted details and high end fabric, ViX Paula Hermanny’s designer bikinis are a timeless option for anyone.

Sun Accessories

However, if you are planning to spend days lounging in the sun, you need to make sure that you are protected from its rays first. To do this, you should look into investing in the right sun accessories. For instance, before heading to the beach, you should always make sure that you invest in a sunhat to keep your face from burning and your skin from peeling. This can also help to prevent heatstroke. You should also take along a pair of sunglasses to make sure that your eyes see no permanent damage.

Important Documents

You will not be able to get to the beach if you do not have the right documents, though. Then, you should make sure that you have packed your vaccination certificates, your passport, your visa, and copies of your travel insurance policy before you jet off. You might also consider printing photocopies of these and storing them in a separate place in your luggage in case of loss.

Sun cream and Bug Spray

Beach vacations are not always relaxing, and lounging by the sea can often be more trouble than it is worth. Then, you should make sure that you pack supplies of sun cream and bug spray to protect your skin from the sun and to keep pesky bugs like mosquitos away. You should ensure that you apply these creams and sprays every morning and top them up throughout the day.

Beach Towel

To make sure that you create the perfect spot to sunbathe throughout the day, a beach towel is essential to your enjoyment of your summer vacation. However, you should take into consideration that beach towels can be incredibly heavy if you are flying to your destination. If you are going on a flight, you might consider buying a beach towel as soon as you land at your destination or in duty-free, although you should be careful about the cost of this.

Smart Water Bottle

You must be able to stay as hydrated as possible if you are spending all of your time in the sun. If that is the case, you should consider hunting for a smart water bottle that can remind you when you need to drink more water and can ensure that you can avoid the health risks of dehydration while you are away.

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6 Things To Consider Before You Pack Up And Travel The World

Travel Blog, Word Travel - Ross French - July 14, 2021

Travel The World

If adventure is calling you out of the normal daily routines of life, there are several things to consider before you pack up and go. None of them are deal-breakers, they just need your attention. Traveling for a vacation is much different than travelling for long-term adventures. You don’t necessarily need a long-term plan, but you should think through all these to ensure you have the best time possible no matter where you go in the world.

How Will You Earn An Income?

Not everyone is independently wealthy. While you may have some money saved up to take an extended trip, it’s vital that you think about how you will make money and still live the travel lifestyle once that savings runs out. There are so many different ways to earn money even when you are abroad. Whether you take to the internet to write for businesses, create graphic designs, or drop ship products online, a good online business or side-hustle will help you on your quest. Additionally, some people offer English classes when they get to a foreign country to help supplement their income.

What Will You Do With Your House?

If you already own a home or you live in a catalon at lago mar texas city tx apartment you need to decide what you will do with it. IN some areas you can offer monthly apartment rentals for other travelers. When renters are only in an area for a short amount of time, large deposits and buying furniture is unrealistic. And living in an apartment or home is a better option. You may consider selling your home if the market is right for it. This would give you more cash to help fund your trip. Just be aware that if and when you return to your home area, it might be difficult to get a place if the market shifts.

What Are Your Goals?

Some people just want to see the world and go on adventures wherever the wind takes them. Others have specific locations in mind. Some want to learn about new cultures and experience different foods. Other people want to learn a new language and immerse themselves in an area for a long time. Before you step out on your travel journey, it’s important to have some goals in mind. This will help you find the right places to go and visit while you’re away. You wouldn’t want to have a goal of hiking the tallest mountains in the world and only spend your time at the beach. Goals help you decide where to go and what to do based on your desires.

What Will You Do With All Your Stuff?

Owning a home or living in an apartment means you probably have a lot of things you’ve acquired. Before you leave, you need to plan for what to do with these items. Will you sell off the unimportant things? Will you store items with your family? Will you get a large storage unit and throw everything in it? Selling off many of your belongings can help you earn some money and also give you less items to store away. Having a storage unit means you’ll need a way to pay it every month, which adds to your overall expenses. This includes your car if you have one. Do you want to keep it and pay for storage, or sell it and live off the proceeds?

What Will You Do For Travel and Health Insurance?

The good news is that medical costs in many nations are much lower than they are in the USA. The bad news is that they still cost money. A good travel health insurance plan will help cover many catastrophic injuries and illnesses even abroad. Travel insurance can also help you in the event you need to cancel a trip due to illness or injury.

Where Will You Go First?

This is probably the most important question for anyone who wants to travel the world. Where do you want to start? Do you need a relaxing vacation in a villa on the beach? Or are you ready to explore ancient ruins? Pick your first destination and start packing. Just make sure you have your Passport ready to go.

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Eco-Friendly House – Benefits of Establishing it

Travel Blog - Ross French - July 10, 2021

Eco-Friendly House

Global warming is continuously increasing in modern times. Therefore, we must be more careful and constructive. An eco-friendly house can be a great example in this scenario. The thing is not very tough. Moreover, it does not require any additional effort. Just concentrate on a few important aspects. These will let you turn a house into an environmentally one. The secret is in the construction methods. Also, you need to use eco-friendly materials for the purpose. All your hard work will result in a marvelous eco-friendly house. To learn the process, take a look at the content coming up.

Eco-Friendly House

Necessities For An Eco-Friendly House

There are some specific articles to turn your house eco-friendly. Some of the best ways are hereunder.

  • Renewable Energy: To build an eco-friendly house smartly, one of the best ways is renewable energy sources. The application of such materials will make your house energy-efficient. You can use wind power or solar panels. Also, install advanced heat pumps for a great cooling effect.
  • Use More Of Wood: Use more wood or bamboo for the eco-houses. The bricks can produce a carbon footprint. Moreover, it is very harmful to our health. Hence, use some natural resources to protect the environment. The best move can be the use of timber and wood. They are sustainable products with a low carbon footprint. Show your creativity by appropriate solutions out of these resources.
  • Roof Gardening: Plant more trees to save your planet. What can be best than starting with your own house. A roof garden is a beautiful technique for conserving nature. Therefore, an eco-friendly house with such a great place will attract more visitors. Reduce the pollution level of the urban areas with the help of these amazing constructions. Moreover, the floral decoration can improve a dull mood too. Sit and relax in this colorful garden. Forget all the tensions and embrace nature in a new way.
  • Recycling: Plastic is the most hazardous product of the modern era. However, too much of this substance is ruining Earth’s health. We have to chalk out some alternatives to minimize the impact. The best way is recycling. You can use the worn and damaged plastic for meaningful purposes. One such innovative technique is using plastic concrete bricks. Also, you can give beautiful shapes to the bottles and utilize them for plantation. There are many such ways to recycle plastic most fruitfully.

  • Start Harvesting: On our planet, water is now facing a crisis. It is not desirable. However, we need to fight the situation together. One of the brilliant ways for making your house environmentally friendly, try to hold the rainwater. Thus, improve the irrigation system through rain harvesting. These days, you cannot afford to waste a single drop of water.

    During the harvesting time, utilize the stored water mainly. Be a little attentive towards water conservation. Start by using less water during flushing in the toilet. For this purpose, the installation of a toilet bowl can be a good idea. It can store water. With the help of this technique, you can use fresh water for washing. On other hand, it will let only the soapy and greywater flow while flushing. As a result, you are going to consume lesser water. Recycling water can save significant amounts of water.

  • Passive House: For an eco-friendly house, this is also a fantastic approach. However, this concept came from Germany. A combination of the best quality materials can provide the highest level of comfort. Moreover, the cost is also minimum. Invent creative ways to give proper direction to the sunlight. Is the scorching heat disturbing you? Instead of the air-conditioner or cooler, use some natural methods. As per the Passive House technique, you can cut the direct sunlight. Build window shades for a cooler room.

The direction of the wind is also important for a comfortable living. To enjoy the calm breeze, go for ventilation. Hence, design the windows accordingly. Similarly, for the cold regions, there should be a perfect sun path. For best results, build a solarium.


An eco-friendly house will be friendly to your pockets too. Only the best ways are there in the above lines. You can also utilize some more techniques for a better living. Help the surroundings to be fresher. Therefore, install energy-friendly systems and plant more trees. A beautiful and smart design will surely give a wonderful effect. Teach your kids about the importance of such a house. Let them be aware of the importance of energy-renewable resources. A cleaner and greener world is awaiting.

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