By: Hogga
Technically I’m not traveling at the moment, so here I find myself having a lack of ideas for posts. This has caused me to rack my brain for prior stories that I’ve never told.
One of them that stood out was the time I was stalked in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Why haven’t I told you about it? I don’t know. Don’t be so nosey! Maybe I buried the story deep down because I didn’t want to remember it…
I was feeling a bit lonely in Asia, although surrounded by new people, friends and acquaintances, I wasn’t really connecting with anyone. So, as per usual. After touring around all day I hit up the bar with some of my hommies.
I had numerous $1 tequila shots (given to me by an Asian man wearing a sombrero and poncho, who I insisted on speaking to in Spanglish). He couldn’t walk by without me (I’m sure in an annoyingly drunk voice) asking for a round of shots. In fact, half way through the night he ran out of tequila. You’re welcome, Mr.Poncho-Man.
You getting the picture? I was pretty toasty 😉
After I played ‘wing man’ and hooked my buddies up with a group of girls, I wandered to find some new friends to talk to. Then I met this gorgeous, big man (I mean MAN) from Nigeria. I’ve never made out with a guy from Nigeria before, I thought to myself as we chatted all night on the bar balcony.
Soooooooo I let him walk me back to my hostel and kissed him good night. It was mediocre to be honest.
I would estimate that I got home at 4am that night, maybe later. The next day I was in a sleep coma when I heard a knock at my door. In the state I was in, the building would have had to be on fire to get me out of bed (and that’s no guarantee).
The knocking continued. And continued some more. Then it stopped.
Finally, quiet.
But no, not so fast, Hogga. The knocking resumed (maybe they needed a break because of their sore hand from all that knocking).
The knocking continued for at least 10-15 minutes (fer serious friends, I am NOT over exaggerating).
At this point I didn’t care who was on the other side of that door. I did NOT like them anymore. Whoever it was. If it was my grandma I would disown her, if it was my sweet sweet love, Damien from The Vampire Diaries. I wouldn’t jump his bones, I would politely tell him to suck one.
I finally jumped out of bed and swung the door open.
It was my Nigerian lover. “Oh you’re finally up,” he says.
As my eye twitched and my fist curled as I told him, not so politely to leave, as I wanted to sleep and don’t enjoy being woken up.
My anger did not phase him at all, he just kept on talking and when I tried to close the door on him, he actually put his hand in the way. The hostel staff heard the commotion and came to my rescue, asking him to leave.
I tried to go back to bed, but couldn’t. So as soon as I was showered and packed up, I changed hostels.
I was over the annoying morning, ate some gross food, drank some water and hung out with my BFF (my computer). While sitting in the common area, overlooking the water and blogging (most likely facebooking) I felt a hand on my shoulder.*chills*
He had found me. He was persistent, but I made it quite clear I did not want to see him, EVER. And after 15 minutes of telling him how much I wanted him to leave, he finally listened.
The next day I left for Siem Reap and after being there for one day… I got an email.
“Hello Lindsay,
How are you? Would you like to do something today?
I miss you”
AHHHH!!! Stupid stupid stupid! Did I drunkenly give him my email address?
I had to get harsh in my replies and he still didn’t seem to understand. This did NOT stop him, he would just keep emailing me a few times a day (with no response from me) as if nothing happened.
After responding once more that I did not want to talk to him, nor keep in contact, I think he finally got the point (or it might have been that I marked his email address as spam, hehe).
Just remember friends, be careful who you kiss abroad! And here are some amusing stalker images for you.
Maybe…. just maybe…. He was a Nigerian General and he needed your help to move his money into Canada? Could of got some big bucks there…
BUHAHAH. NOW you tell me!? Where were you a year ago?
HAHAHA. i always say i want stalkers but this IS a kind of scary story!! BTW i’ll be jetting my ass over to Phnom Penh next week. i’ll make sure NOT to make out with any Nigerian men & not to pass out my email too. thanks for the tips, Hogga.
Ha! It’s what I’m here for!
Give him Lolas email address, maybe they can hook up?
This is scary! However, probably more annoying than anything because he didn’t seem like a real threat. I wonder how many times this happens to guys. If so, I wonder if it’s something they boast about (like all the other things we exaggerate and brag about)? 🙂
Ya, makes for a funny story now, but at the time it was REALLY annoying. As I’m am quite protective of my personal space to start with :S
HAHAHAH! I laughed all the way through this, especially the knocking and hand on shoulder part, he was persistent, you have to give him that!
Phnom Penh can be a strange place, I once had a guy/girl sending me insulting comments and messages through my blog, I checked out his IP and it was from the Intercontinental Hotel in Phnom Penh.
I’ve had some good nights out in Phnom Penh, I saw the Phnom Penh Reuters correspondent in a bar, she staggered out announcing to everyone; “I’ve had enough sex this weekend, I’m going to bed!”.
Whaaaaattt!!??? That’s crazy!
HAHA! I had some good nights there too. Minus the whole stalker incident.
Yikes, take a hint, guy! Hopefully he’s never discovered your blog. It will be like your last stalker picture…
HAHAHA I knooow! It was almost 2-3 years ago, so I think I’m in the clear.
That’s just 80 shades of scurry.
jaja love it. That is kinda creepy, but hey a stalker is a stalker and in my books only cool people are ever stalked. So good for you…lol!!!
What is it about Nigeria? I’m sure it’s a lovely place, but between the ex ‘princes’ trying to swindle money through emails, the ones who stand outside strip clubs/hostess bars in Japan and this… not cool Nigeria. Not cool.
BAHAHA. You’re not cool, Margyle.
I’m just kidding. You’re totally rad.
Ohmygod hahahaha! I’m curious as to what he looks like now. I likes me a whole lotta man. But not a man that persistently knocks and then finds me at my new hostel. THAT is creepy. I mean, did he follow you there?! I thought for a second that he was going to pop up when you were in Siem Reap – he clung to the bottom of your bus THE WHOLE TIME!
I can only come to the conclusion that he must have gone to a bunch of different hostels to find me there :S
I can’t help but wonder if a person like this every looks at their life and thinks “Clearly, my current approach is not working….”
ROFL. You’re my hero.
WOOWW You just made him horny of you haha! Did it ever occur to you of reporting him to the police? Maybe I should write about my scary talker experience as well, but yours is just an extraordinary!
No, I guess I figured when I left there was no way he could really get to me. Although he did find me once, could have done it again right?
You have an effect on men 🙂 Good call on running away from that one.
Ya, a creepy effect! lol
What a creeper! I wonder how much time he spent tracking you down – that’s pretty scary. Can’t believe he actually found you at the next hostel! Oh, the prices we must pay for adding new countries to our “International Men I’ve Made Out With” lists…
I should make a list! Next post: makeout men from around the world.
Do it! Checkboxes for different countries and a scale of 1-10 to rate the experience. Haha. Oh, and if you need a supplemental “Turkish Creepers: Tales To Keep You Up At Night” guest post, hit me up.
Oh my! hahaha he probably told all his friends back in Nigeria that he was bringing back a new bride! And, “oh! you’re finally up!” As if you opened the door on a whim.
Traumatizing. To the MAX…
Ha! A little creepy, yes… but it makes for one hell of a story. I might start sending you stalker e-mails now and we haven’t even kissed. Yet.
Soooooo Funny!!…..I can hear the psyco theme in taht part ” I felt a hand on my shoulder.*chills*”
Thanks for sharing !!
Soooooo Funny!!…..I can hear the psyco theme in that part ” I felt a hand on my shoulder.*chills*”
Thanks for sharing!!
haha it was INTENSE!
haha this is well funny! Truth is you need to be very careful these days.