By: Mike Argyle
If you’ve never been to Europe, the two pieces of advice that will get you through unscathed are as follows:
1. Do not give money to anyone on the street.
2. Always keep your possessions in your firm grasp.
Whether or not you abide by these or agree with them at all, many of the problems that could hurt your trip (and this is true virtually anywhere, not just in Europe) will be reduced if you just follow these two things. Cold hearted? Maybe, but that allowed me to emerge with no issues.
Well, relatively.
I was spending a week in Barcelona with a friend of mine and we had all our accommodations booked for the entire time, save the first night where we decided to just explore the city and we would forego sleep. Great idea, right?
It started off promising, We wandered around the streets, ate some food, grabbed a few beers and high-fived a giant Jack from A Nightmare Before Christmas, before stumbling on a Celtic concert being held in the square. Awesome! Add in a butt load of beer and early vacation optimism and we were ready for the rest of the night. Dawn would be a breeze.
My friend then decided he was in need of some substance of the illegal nature and sought a proprietor of said substance. I was all for buying beer on the street after hours, despite it also being a problem, but anything else I was fine without it, but that’s just me. He managed to find someone who sold kind of what he wanted, but then asked instead for something else. The salesman, kind as he was, said in broken English that he would go and find some. And so we waited. And waited. Finally when it seemed like it wasn’t in the cards – oh joy – the humble salesman returned with it. My friend though, decided he didn’t want it. Ugh.
We were then followed by some of his companions, intent on peddling their wares, despite our bilingual protestations to the contrary. Finally, they left. This is when I turned to my friend and told him I didn’t feel like getting shanked or arrested on my first night in Spain and it probably wouldn’t look good on his student visa either. Call me a downer, I just don’t roll that way.
It was at this time, 2am, that we realized a place to sleep would’ve been optimal and we were morons for wanting to wander around all night. Continuing with our trend of moronishness, we relocated to a park bench to rest. My buddy was dating a girl at the time who said she would stay up and read because she wasn’t tired and watch our bags while we rested. We agreed and went to sleep for an hour.
We were woken up by her, who said her bag had been stolen. Not in a struggle or anything that we could’ve stopped, but rather by someone who came up behind the bench and took it. My buddy and I were sleeping on our bags – because we are smart – but hers was by her feet. By then, it was 4am and we decided to walk around. It was made all the easier by us being one bag lighter. So hooray for thieves!
We made it to the beach just in time to watch the sun rise – amazing. But just before that, a kindly young fellow, shivering despite the over 25 degree pre-dawn temperature, asked if we had any hash. We apologized and informed him we did not, and he went on his way. I guess we should’ve procured some earlier, but then again I am selfish. Upon making our way back to the train station to get the rest of our luggage, we saw our dear fellow passed out and still shivering on a bench.
What a magical city!
You wanted to sleep on a park bench?? Hogga you are crazy, people die that way in Lima you know.
this was in Barcelona! And it was Margyle not me!
Wow! I couldn’t imagine sleeping on a bench in Barcelona. I know it is known for its thieves! I can definitely say this is quite epic though.
My hubby got robbed in Barcelona and mugged in Madrid on the same trip! He bought some clothes and a disposable camera and went home with 1 plastic bag. He was so irritated when the airport employee asked if he needed to check any bags. Then he had to break into his NYC apartment because those keys were also stolen.
Eep. I’m with Ayngelina. Margyle is crazy. Mind ya, I once slept on the floor of a Thai bar. Don’t ask.
I wouldn’t sleep on a bench in Barcelona, simply not safe enough. But if needed..I almost slept in one once in Corfu and another in Sarajevo
Ya, I guess they had Max’s GF watch the bags. Alas, she must not have been good at it, considering hers got stolen haha
I tried to sleep on a bench in Pamplona once, but I was too cold to pass out. So I went out all night instead — pre-cell phone, without my friends. Not the smartest idea either!
Lots of drinking? or did you wander around!?
haha amazing post! That’s really too bad about the girl’s bag though.
I too spent a full night wandering in Barcelona. I had an apartment, so it was more out of choice, but fun nonetheless! It was on a whim, my friend and I left our shoes and wallets at home and just headed out.. so people probably thought we were homeless, haha. But, we also watched the sunrise from the beach, then went to eat some breakfast danishes, purchased for us by some friendly locals :]
HAHAHAHA… I tend to do things like that by choice as well…
oh and cool, I just realized that you guys are from Canada/Toronto too! :]
haha I slept on a bench in Tenerife once… and in Madrid one night, too. Not alone, but with one other friend. We thought it was a good idea to make rounds: while one sleeps, the other stays awake, to avoid problems. But obviously after just an hour or so we both fell asleep and woke up at 6am!
That’s funny cause this one time we were in Melbourne in the middle of the fucking winter and my awesomely smart boyfriend (yes he still is my boyfriend..) decided it wouldn’t be a big deal to skimp on the hostel that night and ‘sleep in the bus station’/’stay in the bars all night’. Guess what? The bars closed. It was the middle of winter.
Yea, it could have been worse but I was cold and there were creeps in the bus station. I’m glad you survived!
HAHAHHAHA awww, being from good ole Toronto I know how awful it is to even get a cab in the middle of winter at closing time. I can’t even imagine a whole night in the winter like that. UGH
I had a similar thing happen actually in Geneva because the airport wasn’t open… luckily it was warm and Geneva isn’t Barcelona…
And yes… Barcelona was nuts lol
Typical Barcelona. They steal all the time there. Was robbed once and the second time almost! And I did sleep at the beach there more times 😀