By: Hogga
Dear Travellers,
Life is awesome isn’t it?
We take off on planes, trains and automobiles to some of the most amazing destinations in the world. We stuff our faces with local foods, climb mountains, make new friends, party like it’s our last night on earth and sometimes get dirty with locals or other travellers.
Whether you’re a travel blogger, long term backpacker or someone on a week vacay, you want to document everything, it’s understandable. This used to be so that you could remember your trip or be a dick and make everyone at home sit down for a slideshow of your stupid 800 pictures.
But now we have Facebook and Twitter, so majority of the time, you’re thinking “Fuck ya! Can’t wait to put this up on the net and see how many likes I get”. I’m not judging, I do it too, we’re all cocks together.
What I’m getting at here, is PUT DOWN your fucking phone. PUT DOWN your fucking camera. Shut up and enjoy the moment.
I remember being on the Mekong River in Asia in a boat (haha I’m a boat motherfucker, take a look at me) and everyone was snapping away with their cameras for the whole ride. I know I take a good amount of pictures for my blog, but do you really want to view an amazing tour through your lens? Do you have to go back and look through the pictures after to view what you saw that day?
Instead, maybe you should take a minute to put all your tech shit down, breathe and look around. Maybe you even missed the hottie sitting beside you. Cameras = cock blockers.
The moments I remember most vividly were the ones when I stopped snapping shots and really took in my surroundings. Let that feeling of awe take you over. Sometimes we travel so much that our emotions become numb to these amazing experiences because we’ve seen so much.
But you know what I say to that? Fuck you emotions. I’m going to get that feeling no matter what.
I realized within the first few weeks of my year around the world that a lot of my favorite memories were being on a bus, staring out the window. Why? Because I wasn’t distracted by taking pictures, I was really just taking in my surroundings, thinking about how awesome my life is and it gave me a sexy feeling in my pants. Truth.
So I urge you all, whether you’re travelling or not, to put all your shit aside and look around. Enjoy the company in front of you at dinner or the bar, don’t have your face in your phone the whole time. Why be on Facebook when there’s an awesome person right in front of you? (If they’re boring or annoying, I do urge you to continue Facebook’in for your own sanity).
Just ask Ayngelina from Bacon is Magic. We’ve gone out a few times in the past weeks and I’ve literally taken her phone away from her and others at the table. It’s almost like we’ve forgotten how to socialize in person after spending 8 hours a day on social media sites (Yes! 8 hours a day, we all know you’re not fucking working you lying cara de piccha).
Now go out and live your lives you douche bags!
I agree. I went on a safari recently in the Serengeti (oo get me) and the people I was with saw it all through a lens with one eye closed. Thankfully my camera ran out so I just gave up for a bit and watched what was happening in front of me rather than recording it for later, probably never.
Yeah.. I’m not perfect, sometimes I have to be forced into livin life!
Word. I miss not having a phone sometimes… it’s annoying how easy people can get a hold of me and how I can check things whenever I want.
Also, Levey looks terrifying. I miss her.
Yeah I miss her garbage face too…
Amen. I didn’t take my laptop with my on my last trip and it made the world of difference. All of a sudden all this free time appeared and its decent stuff.
That sounds AH-MAZING. I might go through with drawl for the first day or two…
Ha! This rings a bell. My last trip was to China. I traveled with 3 friends, me being the only blogger. Funnily, I was also the only one that didn’t desperately connect to Facebook every time we arrived back home to rest. Actually, I didn’t open my Facebook for the 9 days I was gone (that felt sooooo good!), neither did I connect to Twitter or my Blog! Most of the days, I even left my phone a home because I didn’t charge it anyway. I was so proud of my self…. and so mad that the rest didn’t join me in this tech-free mission 🙁
Holy shit! That’s impressive… I’m the one who wrote this article and I don’t know if I could even do that lol.
Before I began making an effort to blog, I felt exactly the same way. I figured: photos are for the past, I must savor the moment, so I didn’t take many photos at all. Now it’s the opposite, I’ve become virtually addicted. The funniest thing is when I take photos of the food I eat in little hole in the walls,almost every day. When Locals notice, they often look at me like I’m a harmless freak. They chuckle, which causes me to chuckle back, often leading to collective laughter. Fun stuff.
HAHA! I’ve known that feeling too. “You’re seriously taking a picture of your drink?”
The camera is bad enough but if people can’t get off their phone while we’re having dinner or drinks then I’m just likely to leave – what’s the friggin’ point?!
Ya I had a boyfriend that did that. Very healthy relationship 🙂
Hmmmm. Some of us need to take a lot of photos, just so that a few of them turn out ok! But I agree, it’s a good idea to put all that stuff down and just take in the moment. And it’s also nice to walk around not constantly worrying about which dodgy stranger might mug you of your expensive-looking electronic equipment.
Oh yes, within those 20 photos, there is bound to be an amazing one!
I agree. I mean… still take pictures, but make sure it’s not all you’re doing. (And not having an SLR on you somewhere sketchy always feels a bit lighter).
Love this. The reason why I do not own a smart phone.
As much as I insist people put their phones away, I would die (get severely lost on a regular basis) without my phone.
Yes!! My biggest pet peeve is when there’s a room full of people who are all busy texting others who are elsewhere instead of talking to each other. I have to admit, though, I’m a shameless camera addict…
Hehe… we all have our vices!
Preach it, sista! Actually, we’re extremely guilty of using our phones and cameras while traveling. We have to make a conscious effort to leave them at home for a couple of days (read: hours) of our trip. Here’s the real question: why does the best stuff always happen when you don’t have your camera on you?! WHYYYY?
I KNOOOWW!!! It ALWAYS happens when you don’t have your camera, or right after you put it away. Sigh.
That always happens but those are usually the moments you remember the most. Am I right? “Remember the time I forgot the camera and we saw the whales jumping so close t shore?” yeah that’s right, sweet!
Just got back from El Nido, Palawan and fuuuuu camera isn’t really applicable. It’s more enjoyable to savor the place using our naked eyes and not take photos as it is actually wasting my time!
Exactly! I can still remember some places I’ve been so vividly in my mind.
I rid myself of my cellphone 3 years ago for this exact reason. I hated the way everybody had their face buried in it during meals or conversations. I didn’t want to be like that so I left it behind. Turned that blackberry into a bona fide alarm clock. (I have expensive taste – what. Kidding.)
But, I recently bought an ipod touch – just so I could instagram. Pathetic right? I just really wanted to be part of the gang! But it is funny how often I forget to take photos with it. It just isn’t a natural instinct.
But I’ve always been one to put the camera down. I only take a few photos of a destination and then try to put it away. I spend many hours sitting and staring at things (not like a creep, just idly) and taking in the experience. My camera is great and I adore photos, but I’d rather enjoy the destination in person. I am also that girl you see touching everything; rocks, tables, leaves….. Yeah.
So lets sum my rambling up – I Agree. Its time to get off your f****** phone.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA amazing. On all parts.
Yep – gadgets are getting in the way of people’s true interaction… sad but true
such wisdom! it is particularly annoying when around a group of other bloggers. everyone & i mean EVERYONE will have the same exact photos, tweets, FB updates…how incredibly booooooring!
HA… but not you, Lola?
not really Hogga, not really. that’s about the time that my mind drifts to naughty thoughts of 3 somes with you and other travel blogging types. 😉 HA!
HAHA amazing. You are far from boring!
Amen – I’ve been meaning to do a post on this lately. I don’t have a smartphone and don’t plan on getting one anytime soon…I think more people should step away from them and the computer, it’s not natural and you miss out on what really matters!!!
It’s true. I have a freeing feeling when I realize that no one can get to me sometimes. I’m not obligated to text back or answer the phone.
Cameras = cock blockers. Love it! So true about the bus, some of my best moments have been on long bus journeys, with nothing else to do, you tend to just enjoy the moment and think!
Yeah, get some good tunes on and just spend time starring out the window and reflecting. Sounds kinda soft and all, but it is a good time to think about what you’ve done and seen.
It has gotten out of control and age seems to have nothing to do with it. I was recently in a restaurant and there was a couple in their 60’s sitting near me and they were both looking at their phones and not even talking to each other.
I think the people that walk around with video cameras in front of them are the worst. Do they ever actually watch those videos when the get home.
HA! That’s crazy! My mom never uses her iphone my dad got her… she reads books (NERD!).
Great advice! Especially with instagram now everyone just posts everything including their daily breakfast lol. Whenever I go to a blog or look at my friends photo albums I prefer those with 20 or less photos (not 200+).
Honestly I wish I was less lazy about instagram and photos…. but I just can’t be bothered most of the time.
Yup, ’tis a pity when folks have their eyes/ears perpetually glued to some techno gadget while they’re “seeing” the world. Shoot, you can get the same shots on Flickr w/o even leaving home.
That said, sad to say I too (like EarthDrifter) find myself snapping pics of every blessed dish of pho set in front of my face (pathetic, I know, but hey – it’s for “the blog”!)
Ah but recently I had nearly a MONTH-long taste of cold-turkey techno-withdrawal. If you really want to feel what life is like sans techno-toys – head to MONGOLIA. Trust me, after a week in the Gobi, plus more than two, horse/trekking in the wilds of western Mongolia (we’re talkin’ no electricity, nada cell phone coverage, zip running water, nor even an out-house – verily pissin’ in the wind!), you’ll begin to see what true FREE-SPIRIT travelin’ is all about.
It may well be painful at first, but the rewards of simply rising with the sun (after a freekin’ cold night sleeping on the floor of an unheated ger at 9,000 feet), breathing in a 180 degree vista of absolute NOTHINGNESS (well o.k. save for a stray yak or two), and churning yak butter with a nomadic lass straight outta some distant century – are uh, “priceless”.
HAHAHA!!! Yeah I tell myself some days I’m not going to go on Facebook… then it’s the first thing I open when I get up 🙁
Ugh… I can be just as guilty. This article is not only for everyone else, it’s also for me!
As much as I do enjoy the blogging and all of the wonderful people I have met through it (top of that list is my wife), I wonder if blogging has ruined travel for me. I look at things in the way of what can I write about. Pictures as well. I so often sort through pictures for a post or something and realize so clearly the difference between a pre-blogging and a post-blogging trip. Even remembering the trips is different.
I don’t want to give up the blogs, but sometimes I really wish I could ignore them on a trip. Though I am sure I would regret it and apologize all over my social media abotu having no pictures and kick myself when the traffic squizzle ticked down.
Love this. One of the reasons why I have converted from a regular cell to a smartphone is I’m totally worried I’d get addicted to it. If I have my ipod and there’s free wifi somewhere I’ll start reading Twitter and miss everything else.
Addiction comes in many forms 😀 Maybe we’ll have a CA (Cameras Anonymous) gain some traction soon *I just…can’t put it down – click….cliiiiick * … I think they already have camps for this sort of stuff in China though!
Why isn’t there a photo of me – the most awesome person to hang out with, here? JK haha Great post!
Couldn’t agree more, although I’m not too set on the “get out” or “enjoy life” part. I generally don’t really care if people stay home all the time–if they’re going to make me listen to their boring phone conversations anyway, I actually prefer they stay in.
Worst of all to me, are the skypers; the people who populate common rooms of seemingly every hostel or nearby internet cafe these days with their faces buried in their computer screens. In the past you’d similarly see people with their faces quietly in a book, but the key word there is quietly. The skypers are NOT quiet, always making sure everyone knows they are having the greatest conversation ever by cackling loudly every minute or two.
Totally agree with this post! I’m all for trying to capture the moment, but what’s the point of taking all these fab photos if when looking at them all you can remember of that time is that you were stuck behind a viewfinder taking pictures rather than fully engaging with whatever experience it was so important you document? I try to get my picture taking out of the way early so that I can spend the rest of the time just soaking it all up and enjoying the fact that I am present. I figure if I fully connect with the moments as I live them, I’ll need fewer photos as I’m less likely to forget them anyway!
I cannot believe you called me out on this! I am so embarrassed, and from now on I`m going to have to make an excuse to go to the washroom so I can check in on foursquare!
But then she’ll just blog about your nasty case of the squirts.
Tell it Sister!! (God I wish I could get away with saying things like that :|) You’re so right though, and we’re all so guilty of it, we need to live life instead of documenting it so heavily to show off on FB to ex boyfriends and people who slagged us off in high school! xx
GUILTY. (*raises hand sheepishly*)
A good reminder, thank you! Especiallly the part about your phone/camera/technology being a “cock-blocker.” Holario, but TRUE!
It’s hard to think you might miss that “money shot” but maybe just sitting back and taking it in is worth more…
Thanks four the post, and the laughs!
Thank you for this. 🙂 I went to a meet-up with some travel bloggers in London once and they couldn’t stay off their phones the entire time. I just sat there thinking, what a waste!!! Thankfully one other blogger was there and we had a grand old time actually interacting like normal humans. I loved it. 🙂 Bring on the real conversation and interaction!!
Cell phones are for stupid, herd like, mind controlled, wage slaves.
They are a part of the control system that has worked perfectly on the unintelligent masses.
They have brought about a new wave of machine worship and heavy addiciton that people think is normal.
All the while scrambling their brain and bio field with microwaves.
They are a near perfect Orwellian control device.
Especially for the already dumbed down masses.