Posts for Orlando

The Best Beaches Near Orlando, Florida in 2023

North America, Travel Blog - Ross French - January 23, 2023

Beaches Near Orlando

Looking for a quick and easy getaway from Orlando? With some of the best beaches in Florida, the Orlando area offers visitors plenty of sand, sun, and surf just a short drive away. Find out which beach is closest to you here and get ready for an unforgettable day of relaxation and fun!

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Best Places to Get Your Geek On in Orlando

Travel Blog - Ross French - May 27, 2022

While Florida is mainly known for its beautiful beaches and warm weather, that’s not the only thing the Sunshine State has to offer visitors. There’s also Orlando – the capital of theme parks and home to some of the most incredibly designed thrill rides ever built.

These parks also have a reputation for throwing everything they can at the concept of “theme” – visitors find themselves utterly lost in the fantastical realms created for their enjoyment. With this in mind, we’ve decided to highlight the best ways to get your geek on in Orlando, Florida: Continue Reading

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5 Best Attractions of Universal Studios Orlando:

Travel Tips - Ross French - December 9, 2016

Universal Studios


The Universal Studios was one of the best tourist attraction in the Orlando, and it was located in the famous tourist locations in the world. It generally draws around ten millions of visitors every year, and by that, you can know the people’s attraction towards the Orlando.

Universal Studios is a theme park resort which was loved by the millions of people, and there are some great attractions in the universal studios which can drive the people towards, if you are about to visit Universal Studios then you shouldn’t miss some important attractions like the Simpson ride, Transformers ride, etc.

You can get your tickets online before you go so you don’t have to worry about the booking as well. Here are the “don’t miss rides” in the universal studios in Orlando.
Best Attractions of Universal Studios:

1.Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts:

One of the best attraction of the Universal Orlando Studios is the harry potter ride, and it was the amazing ride where people will just love it. Universal Studios have done a great job by making us feel like the dragon was real and it was the fully formed world. It was one of the spectaculars rides one will feel when they visit Universal Studios in Orlando. You see the visual effects, and it would be only awesome feeling when you once reach into the Diagon Alley and the large building with a dragon nestled on its roof. Kids will love this ride, and most of the kids love to harry potter adventure.

2.The Revenge of the Mummy:

As you all know the movie of the mummy, I don’t have to say especially about that it was the complex and the most exciting universal grid which will get through in complete darkness. You will be flying through an underground tomb, and the presentation and the visual effects are simply awesome. You’ll stop occasion when the mummy from the Fraser movie threatens you, and you will feel like it was real. This ride gives some amazing shocks, and it will make you more excited to see the next step.

3.The Hollywood Rip Ride Rock it:

The Hollywood rip ride rock it is the roller coaster ride which will give you goose bumps. It was the ride which makes you more interested in roller coaster rides. But if you are first timer then you feel sick because by watching the cars spin around the track and it makes you feel like you are grounded but you will not. The rip ride rock it isn’t a dangerous or frightening ride it was the better ride which will start you off with a 180-degree track the shoots you straights to the ground, it will be the exceptional experience if you love roller coaster rides.

4.Transformers ride:

Transformers ride was the ride which will perfectly capture your attention. It was the well know movie which was directed by Michael Bay. It was the another ride which will move steadily, and suddenly it will be speeding up, or it will suddenly slow down, and it will have the rushing backs and tight spins, etc. Kids and teenagers will love this ride.

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